Tizer Rootkit Razor detects and removes malicious rootkits that are hidden on your computer through multiple methodologies.Tizer Rootkit Razor is a powerful freeware tool and easy to use tool. Rootkits can open a secret backdoor and once this happens, attackers can use rootkits to secretly alter files, change processes, distribute spam, and use data mining tools to steal login IDs and passwords.
What Is a Rootkit?
At the core of the term “rootkit” are two words- “root” and “kit”. Root refers to the all-powerful, “Administrator” account on Unix and Linux systems, and kit refers to a set of programs or utilities that allow someone to maintain root-level access to a computer. However, one other aspect of a rootkit, beyond maintaining root-level access, is that the presence of the rootkit should be undetectable.
Tizer Rootkit Razor does 9 scanning methods to detect rootkits,
- Process Scan
- Registry Scan
- Kernal Scan
- Running services scan
- SPI(Service Provider Interface) Scan
- SSDT Scan
- Port Scan
- Thread Scan
- And of course it aslo does Files and Object scan.
Cool Features of “Tizer Rootkit Razor”:
- Displays information about your operating system and memory usage.
- Provides information about all running processes in the system.
- Detects hidden processes, threads, modules, services, drivers, files, registry keys, and alternate data streams.
- Allows the user to clean and remove the malicious objects from the system by deleting the hidden files or registry.
- Allows users to terminate malicious processes or modules/threads.
- Detects hidden objects if a file is hidden using IAT, EAT, or SSDT hooks.
- Allows users to start, stop, pause, or resume installed services.
Tizer Rootkit Razor
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